Tecnologia in Laboratorio Analisi

Chemiluminescence immunometry

i800, the new frontier of immunometry instruments Chemiluminescence. Uses the best possible biochemical technology, the one based on acridinium esters, truly the top, in terms of precision and analytical sensitivity. Despite the already vast panorama of immunometric instrumentation available on the market, i800 stands out for its vastness and particularity of available analytes, such as TSH receptors and line complete with Autoimmunity"



Gsh60GSH-60 is the newest HPLC instrument for the dosage of glycated hemoglobin. In addition to absolute analytical precision, the instrument has a STAT access, for urgent samples, and can be interfaced with the L.I.S..
View the brochures in pdf

Brochure PDF


easynatEasyNAT and MultNAT are the new frontier in Molecular Biology, which use the CPA Lamp technology, extremely reliable and precise. The single-test cartridge approach allows a clear evaluation of operating costs, as well as an incredible ease of use. View the brochures in pdf

Brochure EasyNAT

Brochure MultNAT


Molecular Biology

extralab-v20 and amplilab v10 The Molecular Biology line TARGETLAB includes two first-level instruments. AMPLILAB , is an amplifier with Real Time technology, available at 4 or 6 channels (flyer in pdf). EXTRALAB , is not only a nucleic acid extractor with 24 or 48 positions, but also a valid, fully automated preparer of the Real Time set up (flyer in pdf).

The two instruments in pairs can provide a reporting throughput of approximately 200 daily samples. The line of diagnostic kits MOLgen , in PCR Real Time, includes all the main Molecular Biology tests currently required in the routine (flyer in pdf).

Of particular note are the products for sexually transmitted diseases, which are very topical today.


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