Tecnologia in Laboratorio Analisi

Isas Lab

ISAS Lab is the new suite for the digitalized and automated investigation of the spermiogram.

ISAS allows to have in a few minutes and in complete automation the Motility, Concentration, Morphology, Vitality and the nuclear DNA fragmentation test of the seminal fluid sample under examination.

The report is expressed according to the rules of the WHO 5th Edition, with a very professional graphic layout, rich in mathematical parameters, graphics, histograms and photos of microscopic fields.
It is also possible to export a video of the moving sample to DVD. There are no consumable costs associated with the use of the instrument, as the counting chamber is reusable.

The whole exam takes place in a few minutes. Furthermore, special attention deserves Morphology, which with this instrument is performed with the sample of live and immobilized spermatozoa (an international patent), therefore in conditions of the sample that are completely similar to physiology.

The system's technical brochure is available to view ISASLAB
You will also be able to view a typical report scheme that the ISASLAB system issues at the end of the exam.

WHO 5^ edition manual



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